Monday, January 28, 2013

Program Ad Update!

Journey show programs can be very striking!  Parents have successfully built programs that have had bios and photos for every Vancouver East show.  In fact, we have had a color cover for every show but one.

To have a great program we have ad sales goals to meet.  The numbers are:
$2000 - black and white program, cast and crew listed, no photos or bios.

$2500 - black and white cover, all cast and crew listed with photos, bios and head shots.
$3000 - color cover, all cast and crew listed with photos, bios and head shots

Right now we have $1320.00 in ad sales.  The program committee is making contacts and working on ads sales.

I am sending this email so that you are aware of where we are and what is needed and to let you know we can use your help!  If you own a business and would like to place and ad, please do so!  If you know someone who has a business and might like to place an ad, please ask!

New program advertising forms are in the Magic Box for you to take and share with potential advertisers!  

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