Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Directors Event Winners ~

Here are the Cast and Crew members that have already sold 30 (or more) tickets to Annie Warbucks and have a special invitation to our Director's Event ~ Breakfast at the Mansion ~

London Fairchild
Elsie Ferber
Sarah Fields
Tori Jensen
Mikayla Merrell
McKenna Sims
Sydney Tag

(Those who have sold 50 tickets or more have won two invitations, one for you and a friend from the show!)

You will join your Artistic Team; Jeff McHenry, Steve Williams, Jeanna Reed and Stephanie Johnson at a Warbucks Mansion style breakfast at the Williams home.  After your luxurious breakfast, you will watch a showing of the recording of our Annie Warbucks!  

This event will be Saturday, March 9th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM.

Students who are close!
Blake Dunn  19
True Fontaine  25
Brianna Gonzalez 17
Sarah Haines  22
Jessica Lee  18
Sierra Long  22
Hope Martinez  25
Tirza Meuljic  19

Remember, the student who sells the most tickets over 50 wins the Annie Warbucks directors chair at our strike party!!

Keep selling tickets and watch for your invitation!  

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