Thursday, February 21, 2013

Friday is Opening Night!

Call time Friday night for cast and crew is 6:00 PM.  Our show is at 7:00 PM

Parents who need to set up in the lobby can come as early as 5:00 PM.  If you bring your children with you, they MUST STAY WITH YOU!

Parents working backstage, green room, props, tech etc. should not have non-cast/crew children with them during the show.  Please let me know if this is an issue for you.

Parents be sure and dress up to celebrate opening night!  I have decided to wear red every day this week.  I think I will opening night as well.

Our opening night party is directly after the show in the cafeteria.  There is no cost for attending.  All families members are welcome to attend.  Journey families from classes and other shows are also welcome to attend.

If you bought a parent pass but have not picked it up yet, you can do so at Will Call Friday night.  Everyone with a parent pass needs to also check in at Will Call and get their seat ticket for the night.

Parent Pass holders cannot enter the theater without a ticket for any show.  Starting tomorrow, if you have a parent pass and want to be seated for a show, please sign in on the Parent Pass List at Will Call.  If the show is not sold out you will be called by name, in order of the sign in, and given a seat ticket(s) just before the show begins.

Call time for Saturday's show is 4:00 PM so we can take formal cast and crew photos.  These photos are on the $5 photo CD that you can purchase with a show coupon.  For those of you who purchased a school day meal, it will be served after photos and before the show.  Everyone else, be sure and bring something to eat.

I looking foward to our opening night!!

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