Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Secret Pals

Secret Pals
Secret pals is an optional fun thing that all cast and crew members may sign up to participate in.
If you participate, you bring an encouraging note or gift($1 or less) to each show day(4 total) to encourage and cheer on your secret pal during the show run. On the last day(closing show) you bring a gift to the strike party that cost between $4 and $5 dollars. This last gift at the strike party is when you reveal yourself to your secret pal!   Remember to keep your secret pal a secret!

Everyone received a secret pal form in the first parent meeting packet, I will also have some at rehearsal this weekend. 

Most cast and crew member have already filled out and turned in their form.  The final due date for Secret Pal forms is Saturday February 9th, the same day as our 2nd parent meeting.

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